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三丰代理  您现在的位置:首页 > 产品一览 > 极限螺纹量规ISO方式  
  Limit thread gauge of gauging system for ISO class
   平行螺纹量规一般的方式是极限式。利用量规的通、止规管理产品螺纹的极限,保证精确度。极限式量规大致可以分为ISO等级测量方式和以前的JIS等级测量方式。以前的JIS测量方式在量规的止端有检查用和加工用的区别。ISO测量方 式则没有这样的区别,他完 全被简单化了。测量外径用的卡规也是一样的。具体使用方法为界限螺纹量规的通规可以轻松穿过,止规的螺纹拧进不到2圈的话,这样测量等级则是合格的。

   In the thread gauges system,the limit type is most common.Thread of workpiece is ensured by controlling the GO and NOT GO limit.The types of limit thread gauges systems are broadly divided into ISO class and conventional JIS class.There were two different types of conventional JIS gauges,one for inspection and one for production use.

   The ISO system is simpler and does not have two types

表示方法  Example
螺纹用的主要界限量规之使用方法 Major gauges for threads of workpiece

  Gauging system for ISO class Metric,Parallel pipe (G)


Screw this gauge in a worked thread by hand smoothly.GP,GR must go through over the whole length of thread.

• NP,NR等用手拧进螺纹,螺纹拧进多不超过2

Screw this gauge in a worked thread by hand smoothly by hand NP,NR shall not be screwed in it more than two revolutions from either sides.

• GW,NW等用手拧进的同时,螺纹拧进多不超过一圈。

GR,NR shall not be screwed in more than one revolution from either sides when screwing this check plug smoothly.



下一个:极限螺纹量规ISO方式 ISO方式 JISB0251•0252

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